Já a algum tempo (
precisamente uma década e meia...) ando querendo elaborar um painel gigante com a estupefaciente obra de pintura em seda do monstruoso e renomado mestre japonês
Katsushika HOKUSAI.
Em especial a obra intitulada
"A GRANDE ONDA EM KANAGAWA", da exuberante Série
Como cronista e estupendo artista visual comprometido com seu tempo, além de observador atento das realidades que o cercavam,
HOKUSAI parecia entender com absoluta perfeição as intricadas tramas da vida.
Apropriar-se dessa icônica imagem, me deixa quase que numa obrigação, tamanhas estão nossas mediocridades contemporâneas, em quase todos os níveis da Existência Humana.
Minha idéia para a exuberante cidade de
Londrina, está em elaborar, administrar, implantar, estimular e manutender
eixos de visitação pedestre em territórios estritamente urbanos, como espécies de
Galerias de Arte Abertas, reproduzindo, pelo menos no início, obras consagradas de renomados artistas clássicos.
Acelerei esse processo criativo (
previsto -na verdade- para finais de 2O12) depois que um carioca ex-estudante e psicopata, armado de muita religiosidade e ainda duas pistolas carregadas com estojos extras de munição, executou à sangue frio -com disparos diretamente na cabeça- várias de suas ex-colegas de escola, caçando-as indefesas em plena sala de aula.
Lá na "Cidade Maravilhosa", Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, o Assassino Sérial de Realengo, elegeu para seus demônios pessoais as meninas indefesas de uma escola municipal, executando-as sem critério.
Ou talvez, com um critério bastante parcticularizado, egoísta e dentro de suas próprias razões.
Cá na cidade que "recebe à todos de braços abertos", algumas pessoas de Londrina elegeram para seus demônios pessoais as vielas indefesas de um municipio, executando-as (
espero que, momentãnemente) sem critério.
Ou talvez, com um critério igualmente particularizado, egoísta e dentro de suas próprias razões.
O executor carioca, aliás, já está enterrado em cova rasa, sem direito à lápide.
A executada londrinense, está sendo morta à gradil grosso, sem direito à placa.
Qualquer ínfima semelhança, nunca terá sido mera co-incidência.
Quem sabe com um pouco de
Arte, não consigamos um pouco mais de luz.
Não somente nesse essencial equipamento do urbano, mas, também, iluminando um pouco mais alguns urgentemente necessitados Corações e Mentes.
How the south elevation side wall look alike, at the "Viela", a closed to traffic smooth inclined sidewalk, cutting one long blocks at half. I am using Winstor&Newton Galeria acrylic tint, under a "CMYK" DIY approach, to makes my own palette, instead spray out-off-the-shelf nithrocellulosic paints. Hokusai also made it his own tint materials, I am glad to make some mix and find the right way... ;)
First 5 meters from Kanagawa Wave, with contrasted areas still wetty. Greeny hues, to mimic Atlantic Ocean boarders in this case, instead the deepy cold dark blue Hokusai´s Pacific Ocean japanese offshore references.
This is the detail from the "foot" of the big heavy wave just starting into arrising. Crossed marks tagged in deep red its for visual aids on an enhanced 50cmX50cm grid, made it from the original Hokusai´s silk hand painted artwork.
Nice shinny Autumn Windy Evening here in Londrina, a nice day to get back all Saturdays to these fine job, started a month ago. First Premium Class White Acrylic "stucco" was putted all over the destroyed sidewall of this rented 1980 house, wich I am moving from, in a couple month, a block away.
One of the two giant "riding horses", over the angry sea. Some Ton-Sur-Ton on green hues, to evoke 3-D effects. I am thinking to leave the white areas on the original acryllic white stucco. Or maybe a subtil 5% Cyano with 3% Black mixed, hand painted with brush over it. I will make some real color tests aside it.
Detail from one, of the hundreds windy wave foam on the whole panel . Looks alike watercolor´s painting, even with transparent layers, AMAAAZING!!! Maybe I will apply a Dark Blue on the above area, like I had made it on the green area below, to enhance the 3-D FX.
Considering the pretty high volumed stereoed screamead coming from a people that I know, my beloveds 2y. old Twins,
Louise and
Isabelle, pretty CHERISHES my 10,00 meters long panel A LOT!
(Just for the records, Lisi gift me a nice sweet kiss, when look at -and stares amazed- in front of the whole thing... ;)
My interpretation about the stretched wave foam under crispy flat cold wind blows: Stretched "everywhere" menaced flowing Cloughs. Movement suggests not only strongness, but also danger and death, on the original Hokusai´s artwork, wich shows locals fisherman shore boats, almost engulfed by this tsunami alike wave. I take all the boats out, safety anchored on seaport... :)
The arrising of the Big Wave starts with a giant curved wall with billions litters of heavy salty water. Hokusai´s original artwork have contoured hand painting lines, between the changed hues. Maybe I will use an On-The-Run heavy bold tagger for these, instead spray cans or my Aztech airbrush proppeled by a 6O litre nithrogene fulled gas cylinder. Note de degradée in blues, suggesting shadowed waves under the main arrising ones.
Well, well, well.... I would think that did you REALLY know, what I am talking about,
for now,
The iconic peak with everlast snows, at the top of the Mount Fujii (East Elevation) on far foreground. For instance, thats why Katsushika Hokusay named it as "
The 36 Views of Fujii Yamma" essay series, hence, the detail on Kanegawa´s Wave artwork. I am thinking into put orange deep colors on the cloudy grayer skyline, to evoke a late evening tempest mood... Or maybe added a giant blued-griss Full Moon, arrising... Or even a south sky dome stellar chart, with the Cruzeiro do Sul crossed pattern at 45° degrees... I will make some hand brush painting tests on all these ideas...
For some time now (just a decade and a half ...) I was wanting to develop a graffitti wall with that giant narcotic artwork of painting on silk of the monstrous and renowned Japanese master Katsushika Hokusai. In particular the work entitled "THE GREAT WAVE AT KANAGAWA, from the exuberant "The 36 Views of Mount Fuji." series. How wonderful writer and visual artist committed to his times as well as an attentive observer of the realities around him, Hokusai absolute perfection seemed to understand the intricate webs of life.Take ownership of this iconic image, it makes me almost as an obligation, facing our contemporary mediocrity at almost all levels of Human Existence. My idea for the exuberant city of Londrina, is to draw up, manage, deploy, and encourage visitation manutender pedestrian routes in urban areas strictly, as kinds of Outdoor Art Galleries, reproducing, at least initially, acclaimed artworks from renowned classical artists . Quickened this creative process (planned-in-fact for the end of year 2O12) after a former psycho student from Rio de Janeiro armed with very religious and two loaded pistols with extra ammo, executed in cold blood, with shots directly on the head - several of his former classmates, chasing them defenseless in the very classroom. There in the acclaimed Cidade maravilhosa, Wellington Menezes de Oliveira, the Ralengo´s serial shooter killer elected -to his personal demons- helpless girls in his municipal school, running them without discretion. Or perhaps, with a sufficient particular criteria particular, selfish and within their own reasons. Here in the city that "gets to everyone with open arms," , Londrina, some people here elected him -to his personal demons- defenseless alleys (VIELAS) of a municipality, running them out of sight (hopefully, temporarily) without discretion. Or perhaps, with a private criteria, also individualized, selfish and within their own reasons. The executor of Rio, in fact, is already buried in a shallow grave with no tombstone to the soil. Here in Londrina, the walk passages througouth the long residential urban blocks, named "VIELAS", is being killed wholesale, little by little, without any right to the plate mark... Here and there, never have been a mere co-incidence. Perhaps with a bit of art, we not get and allow a little more light on our living forms. Not only that essential equipment to the urban nano infraestructure, specially, among walkers like me, but also illuminating a little more urgently needed some Hearts & Minds.